This is for you if youā€™re Over 35 with Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, or Weight Issuesā€¦

Discover How You Can Easily Transform Your Health From Struggling to Thriving With A Simple, Delicious, Plant Powered Life.

This approach has helped Michelle, Linda, and Alison Lower Their Blood Sugar below 100, maintain a Healthy Blood Pressure of 120/66, and Drop Cholesterol by 37 Points and this is your One-Time opportunity to experience the same transformationā€¦


Youā€™re about to read an incredible and transformational story of how ordinary people like you went from struggling to thriving with a Plant Powered Life.

Firstā€¦ you need to meet Michelle, before she began Plant Powered Life.

Her health numbers were off the charts, her blood sugar was 300, her A1c was 10.3, and her triglycerides were over 300. 

She also had Lupus, and to top it offā€¦ Her feet would get numb and cold. Sometimes theyā€™d fall asleep for no reason at all.

And she felt like she was going to be walking with a cane for the rest of her life. 

You can imagine how terrifying losing your legs could be and having to walk around with a cane for the rest of your life.

Your dream vacation becomes impossible, and you canā€™t attend any family event or gathering with help.

You are down, depressed, and feeling alone while your friends are out there living their best life.

But, everything changed for Michelle when she discovered Plant Powered Life.

Her triglycerides plummeted from over 300 to just 67. Her A1c is down to just 5.3, and her average blood sugar is now 102.

Her blood pressure stabilized at a healthy 120/66, and she even lost over 100 pounds!

Her cholesterol level became virtually heart-attack-proof, and her doctor had to do a happy dance in front of her as he delivered the results.

After becoming a member of Plant Powered Life, here is what she said:

ā€œBefore beginning whole food plant-based eating, the Standard American Diet (SAD) was killing me. It was not good at all, and I had just been diagnosed with high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. My latest A1C is currently at 5.1. My fasting blood sugar is usually in the lower 90s, and I rarely spike above 160. Iā€™ve lost a total of 103 pounds, and Iā€™m just 3 or 4 pounds from my goal. My Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D levels are now in normal ranges. Everything now feels more like this is just how I eat. Itā€™s just how I live. Iā€™m so glad I signed up. Plant Powered Life has helped this former SAD dieter transition to a healthy life. Thank you!ā€ - Michelle Cavanaugh

This could be your story too, with Plant Powered Life.


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And the good news is that I am going to show you how Plant Powered Life can help you experience similar results.

But before I doā€¦

Let's also talk about Alisonā€¦

On her motherā€™s side of the family, Alzheimerā€™s and dementia are prevalent.

In fact, her Uncle passed away from dementia, and her cousin and her mother were also diagnosed with dementia.

Everything she tried failed to bring her weight down.

She bought numerous weight-loss ā€œdietsā€ that did more harm to her body than good.

She tried counting calories and portion control, but it led to her feeling frustrated, deprived, and hungry all the time.

But now, she says her recent test result tells her sheā€™s at the stage where dementia is no longer a concern.

And today, sheā€™s lost over 30 pounds and is no longer pre-diabetic; plus, her energy and memory have also skyrocketed.

Sheā€™s able to work out twice a week and walk almost a mile five times a week.

Here's what Alison had to say:

ā€œWhen I first went plant-based in 2020, my health was in a bad spot. I was pre-diabetic, had painful arthritis, high cholesterol, and low energy. My biggest reason was that Alzheimerā€™s runs in my family. My health is in a much better spot. Iā€™m no longer pre-diabetic, have normal cholesterol, improved energy, and am off my acid reflux meds, and my arthritis feels better. The biggest thing that worked was finding Kim and her Plant Powered Life program and group. All my blood levels are normal. Before my journey, I tested as having a memory deficit with the possibility of Alzheimerā€™s. After my journey started, I was retested again, and it showed normal memory skills, which I noticed in my daily life. Iā€™ve lost 30 lbs, feel the best I have in a long time, and my mood is also better. My future now looks bright, and I no longer have a fear of Alzheimerā€™s, diabetes, or cholesterol issues.ā€ - Alison Ford

Then there is Linda. 

Linda was diabetic, her A1c was 12.8, and she weighed over 240 pounds.

Her mom passed away from diabetes complications a day before her 65th birthday, even after she had both legs amputated and almost lost her sight.

But once Linda discovered Plant Powered Life, which I will share with you today, she started to feel much better.

In a short amount of time, she went from a type 2 diabetic to an A1C level below 7.0 ā€“ and she doesnā€™t even need medication anymore.

Best of all, she didnā€™t make any drastic changes to her lifestyle. Amazing, right?

In Linda's own words:

"My mother died a day before her 65th birthday, and my father died 6 months short of his 65th.  I've been working hard to keep the promise I made to my mother at her funeral that I will live the long and healthy life God intended for her.  Several years ago, I was over 250 lbs with an A1C over 12.  Today, my A1C is about 6.4 by giving up vegan junk foods.  I've released over 100 lbs. Thank you guys for all your support; Kim and this group made a major difference in my life." - Linda Harris-Jones

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But whatā€™s their secret?

How did Michelle, Alison, and Linda go from feeling sick and almost losing it all to becoming the healthiest version of themselves? 

And when you understand the reason...

  • You, too, can restore healthy blood pressure without doing anything that causes unpleasant side effects.

  • Youā€™ll be able to reverse your A1c numbers and remember what a diabetes-free life truly is. Trust me, it is greener on the other side.
  • Youā€™ll restore flexibility to your arteries so your heart and circulatory system can stay healthy without future problems.
  • Youā€™ll be able to reduce inflammation in your joints & muscles and enjoy the freedom to move without pain, go on vacation, and attend family events whenever you want.
  • You'll be able to supercharge your energy, start doing more of the things you love, and even get in your best shape without weight issues creeping up on you again

The best part? You wonā€™t need to go through another diet that just tells you to restrict yourself and gives temporary results at best. 

I understand that everything Iā€™ve said might feel like a pipe dream to you because if youā€™ve been struggling withā€¦ high cholesterolā€¦ high blood pressureā€¦ erratic blood sugarā€¦ an A1c above 7ā€¦ and weight issuesā€¦

Chance are youā€™ve probably tried everythingā€” I mean EVERYTHING ā€“ from different fad diets to multiple meds and unproven supplements.

However, these ā€œfixesā€ only improve your symptoms temporarily and leave underlying damage waiting to resurface like a ticking time bomb.

This is why whenever you stop taking these quick ā€œfixesā€... 

All the symptoms start to surface again, and you need to keep buying again and again.

Seeā€¦ the game is rigged against you, and all they do is keep the real solution away from you so you can continue struggling with the problem and keep buying their products.

This is how they make billions and why the diabetes industry alone is valued at over $412 billion today.

Iā€™m sorry, but they leverage your health problems to make millions for themselves.

But, as youā€™ll soon discover...

You can easily reverse these health problems just like Michelle, Alison, Linda, and thousands of other men and women.

Even if you feel like itā€™s too late for you to do anything about your health.

All you need to do is act on the Plant Powered Life youā€™re about to see on this page. 

Because before youā€™re done reading this page, youā€™ll have found out:

  • The reason why you're sick and suffering from high blood pressure, erratic blood sugar, abnormal A1c, and are twice as vulnerable to cancer and Alzheimer's than those take action on the information you're about to discover today. 
  • How you can support healthy blood sugar levels, maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol, manage your weight, and reduce your risk of cancer, Alzheimer's, and dementia using a Plant Powered Life.
  • Plus, why ā€œhealthyā€ diets might not be enough to address all your health woes.

But before then, let me tell you...

How my dadā€™s death changed the future of my health and how it led to the creation of Plant Powered Life youā€™re also about to discover today.

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As Seen On...

Hi, My Name Is Kim Murphy!

I'm a Certified Plant-Based Health Coach who has helped thousands of people overcome diabetes, high blood pressure, weight issues, and other chronic health conditions.

Iā€™m also an Amazon best-selling author of my book, Plant-Powered, which many people agree to be the ultimate solution theyā€™ve ever come across.

But before all this, I was sick, overweight, and not in a good place with my health.

My wake-up call and my health journey began when my dad passed away from Alzheimerā€™s just days after his birthday.

He had heart disease, a quadruple bypass, and prostate cancerā€¦ but the worst of all was Alzheimerā€™s.

He was such a big influence on my life, and watching him not remember who I was crushed me.

His death was a huge loss for me, but also served as a major wake-up call because I was just turning 40, and I was overweight, tired, had joint pain and brain fog.

I knew if I didn't make a major change, I was headed down the same path, and I didn't want to put my kids through that. I didn't want to miss out on their lives, either.

After this experience, I went on a journey and made a life-changing discovery on my diet and how I ate.

It was hard at first, but then I was able to quickly eliminate every health issue that was holding me back and I also lost over 20 pounds & 17 inches in just 3 months!

In fact, I felt 10 years younger than I was and had so much more energy than ever before. 

Thatā€™s why I decided to dedicate my life to helping others go through the same health transformation.

Since then, Iā€™ve helped thousands transform their health & lives with a whole food plant-based diet.

"I started this journey 6 1/2 weeks ago. When I first started, my blood pressure was dangerously high - 192/98 - and my cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and kidney function tests were all high. I had so much inflammation in my knees that I could no longer get into the shower and couldn't walk more than a few steps without having trouble breathing. I was at least 50 lbs overweight. I felt like I was not going to be here much longer. Yesterday, I walked a 1/2 mile nature trail. My blood pressure yesterday was 106/68. I've lost 17 lbs so far. I can't even remember when I felt this good physically. Within 2 days, the brain fog was gone. I am pain-free for the first time in 14 years. I also prevented having to go on blood pressure medication. What I like most about this program is that it works. Plant Powered Life has not only helped me achieve my goals but has helped me surpass them. There is so much support, encouragement, and knowledge to be found there. I can honestly say I was never hungry - not one time. This change in eating has literally been a lifesaver for me. There are no words to express how grateful I am to Kim for providing all the tools I needed to get to where I am today." - Diane Chojnacki

"I steadily put on weight for the two years that I worked at home - during Covid. I was unhappy with how I felt and looked, and I was very concerned that I would face the same situation my mom did - dying at age 69 after having learned that she had metastatic colon cancer only one week earlier. When I asked her doctor what my chances were of contracting colon cancer, he told me that her condition was directly related to her eating habits and lifestyle. I started Kim's program last Fall because I needed to make some serious health changes.  In addition, I lost 12 lbs - I love the fact that I can lose weight and not be hungry! And even though I do not have high blood pressure, my BP dropped to 90/64!  My cardiologist was thrilled, and he even gave me a "high-five"!  He told me to absolutely continue with the WFPB diet. I was so thrilled with the results that I had tears.  Thank you to Kim, the members of this group, and the overall program!" - Gale Grant

"For years, I have tried to eat right. I watched Forks over Knives in 2012, which convinced me this was the way to eat. But I just could not get it right! I kept getting heavier and tried all the diet programs, none of which worked. I developed asthma and had seven surgeries on my eyes and back surgery. All I could see for my future was being overweight in a wheelchair, blind, on oxygen, and a burden to my family. Since being in your program, I have learned how to eat whole food plant-based all day, how to put the spices together, and how to make wonderful meals my family will eat. I've lost my weight and am off all but one medication. I slept 9 hours last night with no medication; my breathing is normal. I don't need that doctor anymore! I have achieved the goal of eating whole food and not confused about how to cook whole foods!" - Annie Crawford

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For every Plant Powered Life program purchased, we make a donation to Trees for the Future, supporting their planting of organic fruit or nut trees in low-income communities.

Most Men And Women Who Come To Me With These Health Issues Have ONE Thing In Common.

Which is exactly what I'm sharing with you today.

Because when you understand whatā€™s responsible for your high blood pressure, high cholesterol, erratic blood sugar, and abnormal weight gainā€¦

Youā€™ll understand how easy it is to live a healthy life without spending over $5,500 a year on blood sugar medication and insulin.

Or spending over $2,000 on heart disease medication, even with the help of your insurance.

And even if you havenā€™t been diagnosed with any chronic disease yet.

This ONE thing creates an environment in your body where chronic diseases can thriveā€¦

It disrupts your normal metabolic processes, which allows the damage to spread further and deeper.

Affecting more systems in your body, including your cardiovascular system, digestive system, and even your mental health.

Whatā€™s even more concerning is that this damage is self-perpetuating; it can continue to progress and create new health issues again and againā€¦

You could feel fine today, and suddenly a sharp pain hits your chest tomorrow and leaves you gasping for breath while you're being wheeled into the emergency roomā€¦

It could even be a cancer diagnosis thatā€™ll make you worry about what the future holds for you.

Or Alzheimerā€™s that will erase years of precious memory with your loved ones and have you asking for their names anytime you see them.

But when you eliminate the ONE thing that creates an environment where chronic diseases can thrive in your body and start using ā€œPlant Powered Lifeā€ with my 6-step H.E.A.L.T.H approach...

Your inflammations will decreaseā€¦

Your blood pressure will stabilizeā€¦.

Your blood sugar will become stableā€¦

As your body will begin to repair itself. Restoring your health to its natural, optimal state. 

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You Deserve To Live The Best Years Of Your Life Without Feeling Dragged Down And Sick.

And in just a moment, youā€™ll discover how to become the healthiest version of yourself.

The version of yourself that wakes up each morning energized and excited to meet the day.

Because these chronic diseases could STEAL AWAY so many years of your precious life.

It could steal away so many years of amazing memoriesā€¦of hugsā€¦of birthdaysā€¦of Christmas morningsā€¦of reunions, getaways, and vacations. Itā€™s unacceptableā€¦

Despite having access to the most advanced science in history, we are also the sickest we have ever been.

So what's going on?

Why are we getting sicker and still projected to get worse even after multiple medical ā€œbreakthroughs?ā€

As I mentioned above, it has to do with ONE thing that 100% of my clients have in common when they come to me for help. 

Now, what Iā€™m about to tell you might sound a bit controversial or cocky to youā€¦

But I want you to read it with an open mind because...

The reason why youā€™re sick is because of your DIET!

Believe it or notā€¦ When it comes to your health and well-being, not all foods are created equal, and what you put in your mouth is the most important thing you NEED to pay attention to. 

However, most people are in complete denial about what they eat. (11)

They believe they eat healthy but canā€™t back it up with their health, so they blame their genetics for their high blood pressure, high cholesterol, erratic blood sugar, and even weight issues.

But multiple studies have shown us that the Standard American Diet (SAD) is the major culprit... 

When it comes to developing chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimerā€™s, dementia, and even some cancers. (1-7)

So What Happens Once You're Exposed To The Standard American Diet?

Well, the short answer is that it starts to affect your body at a cellular level.

You seeā€¦

The standard American diet is high in processed foods, animal protein, unhealthy fats, sugar, sodium, refined grains, and additives.

Once these unhealthy foods start affecting your bodyā€¦.

They disrupt normal metabolic processes and create an environment where chronic diseases thrive.

This allows the damage to spread further and deeper, making it incredibly difficult to reverse these health conditions.

But how exactly does this happen?

The SAD is notorious for its heavy reliance on meat, oils, dairy, and eggsā€¦

All of which are high in saturated fats and LDL cholesterol, and when you eat these foods daily.

They contribute to the buildup of fatty deposits in your arteries.

And as this gunk continues building upā€¦ it narrows the walls of your arteries & blood vessels and slows blood flow to a crawlā€¦ (13)

Forcing your heart to work harder and raising your blood pressure even more.

In factā€¦.

A 2021 University of Oxford study showed that just 250g of meat daily increases your risk of heart disease by 45% ā€” and Americans eat an average of 347g daily. (14) 

And in 2016, researchers from the American Heart Association reviewed studies involving 84,136 womenā€¦ 

They found that replacing just one serving of red meat per day with the 5th step of my 6-step H.E.A.L.T.H. approach can slash your risk of heart disease by 30%. (15)

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Fuels The Damage of High Blood Sugar in Your Body

Whenever you eat refined grains, sugar, and processed & packed foods, the amount of sugar in your bloodstream increasesā€¦ (18)

And over time, this continuous surge in your blood sugar levels forces your pancreas to work overtimeā€¦

Producing more insulin to manage the excess sugar in your blood.

Eventually, your cells become resistant to the effects of insulin.

And with your cells now being resistant to insulin, the sugar in your blood piles up, which ultimately leads to pre-diabetes or diabetes. (25)

According to a study by researchers from Cambridge University involving over 160,000 men and womenā€¦

They found out that those who used the 1st step of my 6-step H.E.A.L.T.H. approach experienced a 36% reduction in their risk of diabetes. (17)

In just a moment, you'll discover how to use this simple yet powerful step to support healthy blood sugar levels and take control of your health.

And if you have a family history of Alzheimerā€™s and Cancerā€¦

Avoiding the standard American diet will significantly reduce your risk of ever getting it. 

Processed meats are ones you should avoid by all means.

Let me tell you whyā€¦

According to WHO, processed meat is classified as a Group 1 carcinogenā€¦  

This means that thereā€™s solid evidence that hot dogs, deli meats, bacon, and salami can cause cancerā€¦ (26)

In 2021, European researchers established that processed meat consumption was associated with a:

  • 21% increased risk of colon cancerā€¦. 
  • 18% increased risk of colorectal cancer...
  • 22% increased risk of rectal cancer...
  • 12% increased risk of lung cancerā€¦
  • 6% increased risk of breast cancer all at the same time. (16)

These foods have also been shown to accelerate cognitive decline and disrupt communication between brain cells, leading to Alzheimerā€™s or dementia.

However, a New York-based study involving 250,000 people aged 65 and older found that replacing these foods with just 4 steps out of my 6-step H.E.A.L.T.H approach led to a 38% reduction in the risk of Alzheimerā€™s. (12)

And once you ditch the Standard American diet and switch to a Plant Powered Life...

A Plant Powered Life rooted in a whole food plant-based diet has been proven to support healthy blood pressureā€¦ cholesterol levelsā€¦. stabilize blood sugarā€¦. and self-destruct cancer cells. 8-10

Youā€™ll be amazed at how fast your blood pressure will stabilizeā€¦

Your blood sugar level and A1c would improveā€¦

Joints, bones, and muscles will be as stronger like they were in your 20sā€¦

Sleep and memory will improveā€¦..

The dark cloud youā€™re worried about will disappear, and happiness will find you again!

Youā€™ll be able to spend quality time with your kids, grandkids, and loved onesā€¦.

And youā€™ll be able to experience all these without spending a dime on expensive drugs or surgeries that only treat the symptomsā€¦

But before I tell you, the easiest way to switch to a whole food plant-based diet that will speed-run your recovery process from diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol and even protect you against cancer.

You need to know thatā€¦

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Not All Plant-Based Diets Are Healthy.

After some people recognize the danger of the Standard American Diet (SAD) and switch to a plant-based diet for better health, they end up doing it the wrong way and find themselves still suffering from the same health issues.

These types of people are ā€œjunk food vegans.ā€ 

You might have heard of that termā€¦

You might be one of them...

They remove dangerous processed meats and animal-based foods from their diets and replace them with "lesser evil" plant-based alternatives. 

They rely on highly processed vegan foods and expect their health to miraculously improve without eating the right foods that can heal their body from the inside outā€¦

This is why I created a ā€œ6-step H.E.A.L.T.H. approachā€ to help you transition to a whole food plant-based diet without falling into the trap of becoming a ā€œjunk food vegan."

You will NEVER get overwhelmed by the complexities of eating a plant-based diet because I'll hold your hand and guide you till your health falls back into place...

This is the same approach I used for myself, Michelle, Alison, Linda, and thousands of others I've worked with...

"I was concerned about the results of my bloodwork from my last physical - BMI was in the obese zone, I was standing on the edge of prediabetes, and in the red zone for LDL cholesterol. The program helped me become aware that I was a vegetarian junk food junkie eating overprocessed foods that were negatively affecting my health. I have lost 18 pounds and am looking forward to my next check-up. Most of all, I like Kim Murphy's down-to-earth and practical approach and recommendations, especially in the videos. Gratitude that I found this program and am achieving better health!" - Audrey Brick

"This way of eating DOES work. I was very surprised that I was very seldom hungry. I am confident that I will never go back to the SAD diet that basically trashed my health. When I first started eating this way 6 months ago, I was extremely concerned about my health. I truly believed at that time that I wouldn't be here much longer if something didn't change. I am so grateful to Kim for offering this program to get me started, and so glad I stuck with it. WFPB eating is about so much more than weight loss. I hope my journey encourages others to stay with it. It is SO worth it." - Sally Jones

"Only after 4 weeks of transitioning to a WFPB diet I had my yearly lab work done. My cholesterol dropped 35 points, and my LDL dropped significantly, too! And I wasnā€™t even 100% WFPB yet!! Thank you for your program, Kim. It came at the perfect time when we decided to go WFPB, and I wondered how I was going to start all over with our menus. Your program has made the transition so much easier." - Kris Wolverton

  • Zero overwhelm! 
  • No more wondering if you are getting the nutrients your body needs!
  • No more wasting time or money on plant-based recipes that taste like cardboard...
  • No more spending money on side-effect-filled prescription medicine...
  • No more worrying about what the future holds for you and your family...

Wouldn't that be great? 

You can experience it starting from today with a Plant Powered Life.

This is why I want to introduce you toā€¦

Simple, Delicious, Plant Powered Life

Finally, the healthy life you crave is almost at your fingertipsā€¦

You're one step away from experiencing a healthy life where you donā€™t have to struggle with diabetes, high blood pressure & cholesterol, and weight issues.

You'll be able to enjoy balanced blood sugar, maintain healthy blood pressure, keep your cholesterol levels in check, and achieve a healthy weightā€”all while feeling more energized and vibrant.

Plant Powered Life is a step-by-step program that will help you create a whole food plant-based life that works for YOU.

Over the next 6 weeks, youā€™ll discover how to slowly transition to a nutrient-dense plant-based diet customized to your lifestyle, with simple recipes you'll love.

It's not enough to know WHAT to do, you have to know HOW to do it in a way that works for you and your lifestyleā€¦

So whether you're a busy mom like me, a working professional juggling a hectic schedule, a retiree looking to improve your health, or someone whoā€™s just starting their wellness journeyā€¦.

This program is designed to fit seamlessly into your life and improve your blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and overall well-being as long as you follow my simple 6-step H.E.A.L.T.H. approach because the results of this approach speak for themselves.

Just Look At What Our Members Have To Say:

"My biggest motivation for changing to a plant-based diet was being diagnosed with fatty liver disease, the exact diagnosis that killed my mother. The doctor talked with me and explained that I needed to lose weight and go on a low-fat diet. I am losing weight. In the three months I have eaten WFPB, I have lost 16 pounds. Today, I had blood work done. My lipids, in just 3 months, have come back to normal. This is the first time my lipids have been normal in 20 years! I feel more hopeful that I will get to see my grandchildren grow up. And I feel more hopeful about growing old with my wonderful husband. Eating a plant-based diet is doable for me. I enjoy the food and the wonderful recipes. I donā€™t feel overwhelmed. This approach to eating works." - Deborah Harvey

"I was in the hospital for a week with bronchitis, acute asthma, and acid in my throat from acid reflux. I decided I had to change my way of eating. I have lost 25 lbs with just 25 more to go to be under 200 lbs. I already have a lot more energy and am feeling really great. I have learned how to do EFT tapping, food journaling, and setting goals. This is my fifth WFPB meal plan to purchase, and it is by far the best. Comprehensive with changing habits, how to eat out. You also give recipes for sauces and dressings which are lacking in other plans." - Linda Todd

"I just had a follow-up doctor's appointment, and I'm off prescription medication. Off of diabetes and cholesterol meds. The doctors told me to keep up the good work with this diet. So happy! Happy I found this program and group to help me." - Jennifer Stroud

ā€œPrior to Plant Powered Life, I felt heavy and was in a lot of pain. For the first time in a long time, I am able to feel good about myself. I feel lighter and able to move better! I can see the inches melting off! That hasn't happened with any other weight loss program. Getting support from this group is huge! It keeps me focused, and when I have success or slips, knowing this community is available is a lifesaver. I like the simplicity of the recipes; I am a poor food planner, so having something to fall back on for quick, easy meals was a huge success.ā€ - Paula Hanchett

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See What's Waiting For You Once You Get Inside Plant Powered Life

When you join Plant Powered Lifeā€¦

You'll get instant online access to all the resources you need to begin a whole food plant-based lifestyle to improve your health.

Lifetime Access to Online Course Curriculum

Over the next 6 weeks, you'll discover a new concept of a whole food plant-based diet that takes you a step closer, each week, to where you want your health to be...

And how to slowly incorporate these small changes into your life at your own pace.

Hereā€™s a sneak peek of what youā€™ll learn:

  • 6 Weeks Path to H.E.A.L.T.H. Action Plan with 3 levels - Beginner, Intermediate, & Advanced so you'll be able to do this at whatever stage you think you are.
  • Cooking demos that teach you how to make simple & delicious recipes even if youā€™re a novice in the kitchen and evidence-based science supporting whole food plant-based eating.
  • How to read nutrition labels like a pro so you donā€™t get tricked by slick marketing used to hide harmful & dangerous ingredients. You'll be able to decode those who want to make millions from you and those who genuinely want to help you.
  • My ultimate meal planning system that helps you get organized to save you time & stress, plus strategies to save money when shopping for ingredients.
  • How to turn your family favorites into healthy WFPB versions so you can continue to enjoy your beloved dishes while supporting long-term health goals.
  • Batch cooking & meal prep so you always have healthy food ready to go.
  • How to get all the nutrients you need and what supplements to consider, plus how to eat more of your favorite foods and still lose weight so you aren't hungry, deprived, and frustrated.
  • Tips for eating out at restaurants when traveling and strategies for making this a lifestyle and not a failed diet.
  • Printable resources like cooking charts, workbooks, cheatsheets, & checklists.

And many more!

These are just a sneak peek of what youā€™ll discover when you join Plant-Powered Life because itā€™s just too much for me to list them all here.

This program will hold you by the hand and guide you on how to eat and live a whole food plant-based diet while supporting your long-term health goalsā€¦

Over 100 Easy & Delicious Recipes & 6 Week Meal Plan

This 6-week meal plan ensures you eat different delicious and mouth-watering meals while gradually building healthy eating habits that support your long-term health goalsā€¦

Plus, over 100 easy and delicious recipes ensure you're getting a balanced intake of the essential nutrients it takes to shield you from chronic disease.

All recipes are whole food plant-based, oil-free, and have nut/soy/gluten substitutions on each.

The included grocery lists & weekend power prep guides get you started fast.

I spent hundreds of hours on these recipes, trying (and failing a lot) to perfect them so you eat delicious, whole food plant-based meals while improving your health at the same time.

Monthly Live Cooking Demos

Even with a robust meal plan and recipe collection, itā€™s easy to fall into a rut or lose motivation.

These monthly live cooking demos keep things fresh by introducing new recipes, techniques, and seasonal ingredientsā€¦.

So you can continue to discover new ways to enjoy plant-based meals.

You can ask questions, clarify your doubts, and receive personalized tips from me, which enhances your understanding and confidence in preparing plant-based meals.

Plant Powered "Happy Hour"

Plant Powered "Happy Hour" is our monthly face-to-face group coaching session where you can chat with me and other members and ask questions for immediate feedback and personalized guidance, which makes it easier to clarify doubts and get tailored advice.

You can bring up immediate issues youā€™re facingā€¦

Whether itā€™s difficulty with creating new habits, struggling with mindset, needing help with weight loss, or getting through social and holiday events.

Iā€™ll provide you with on-the-spot solutions that you can implement right away.

This is also a safe space where you can connect with like-minded participants and learn from each other's experiences.

Gain practical tips and strategies that have worked for them in similar situations.

The monthly calls are designed to be dynamic and responsive to your evolving needs and offer fresh, relevant insights that complement the foundational knowledge of plant-based lifestyle youā€™ve gained so far.

Private Community & Fun Challenges

One of the most common things I hear, is that you may be the only one in your family trying to eat this way and feel alone and unsupported.

When you join Plant Powered Life, youā€™ll receive access to our exclusive Private Facebook community where you can connect with others in a positive, caring group.

Exchange tips, get new recipes, share success stories, and offer encouragement.

This connection reduces feelings of isolation that might come with making significant lifestyle changes.

You get to meet like-minded people who have scaled through the health issue youā€™re currently suffering from.

You can connect with them, build relationships, and become whole food plant-based friends.

Plus, there are fun challenges to help you stay motivated and even win prizes!

Now, letā€™s be realā€¦ If this is your first time transitioning into whole food, plant-based dietā€¦

Or you did it the wrong way beforeā€¦

Iā€™m not going to sweet talk you like other plant-based ā€œexpertsā€ā€¦

And tell you transitioning to a plant-based diet is easyā€¦

It isnā€™t difficult either, however if you donā€™t put enough effort into this lifestyleā€¦.

You might continue to feel the same way as you did before.

I also failed when I started my whole food plant-based journey.

I was reminded of my brain fog every day even after following many so-called ā€œexpertā€ advice.

And whenever I looked into the mirror, it was hard not to notice the weight and how I felt about my body.

But after I implemented everything Iā€™ll teach you in ā€œPlant Powered Lifeā€...

My brain fog (which I had been worried about since my Dadā€™s Alzheimerā€™s diagnosis) disappeared like it was never there.

I lost over 20 pounds and 17 inches in only 3 months...

And my joints stopped squeaking like an old door hinge.

I was FULL OF LIFE and able to play with my 2 sons without running out of energy.

Plus, the compliments I received about looking younger and that my skin glowed were overwhelming.

Not only did I look younger, I also felt younger and healthier than Iā€™ve ever been.

So if youā€™re tired of erratic blood sugar & A1C, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, andā€¦

Want to get rid of your side-effect-filled medsā€¦

As well as protect yourself against cancer, Alzheimerā€™s, or dementiaā€¦

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There Is Limited Time For You To Join Plant Powered Life.

The reason is simple: I want to ensure that everybody receives the special attention and support they need to succeed.

Once the deadline passes, weā€™ll close the doors to focus on coaching and supporting our new members.

And if youā€™re on this page right now, it means the doors are still open.

But I canā€™t guarantee the opportunity will be available if you procrastinate.

This is your chance to get rid of these health issuesā€¦.

Donā€™t miss out.

Now, you may be wondering how much you have to invest to join Plant Powered Lifeā€¦

But before I reveal that, let me tell you about some FREE bonuses youā€™ll be getting.

BONUS #1 - How to Stop Sabotaging Your Own Success ($197 value)

Do you get in your own way of achieving your goals?  

Do you stay strong all day, but then give in to temptation at nighttime?

Are you feeling like you can never achieve your biggest health or weight loss goals because you keep falling off the wagon?

You donā€™t want to miss this special bonus class I did recently that really struck a chord with my members, and will help you understand WHY you arenā€™t always able to stick to your intentionsā€¦.

Why you are NOT weak, lazy, or a failure, and several strategies to help you stay on track and achieve your ultimate health & weight loss goals.

BONUS #2 - WFPB Compliant Brands Shopping Guide ($97 value)

Some companies use slick marketing and exploit loopholes to hide dangerous ingredients while adding plant-based compliant labels to their products.

The last thing you want to do is to buy from brands like that.

Because it could stall your health progress.

This shopping guide is a comprehensive list of my favorite oil-free plant-based products & brands that you can get at any grocery store.

These products will help you make a plant-based diet super easy so you donā€™t have to make every single thing from scratch.

BONUS #3 - End Emotional Eating with E.F.T. ($197 value)

Did you know that by tapping specific points on your body, you can manage stress, anxiety, and emotional eating?

In this special training, youā€™ll discover a simple technique called Emotional Freedom Technique (or E.F.T), which is scientifically proven to lower cortisol levels, relieve stress & anxiety, and improve your emotional well-being.

This technique has worked for me and my clients who were once struggling with stress and emotional eating, just like you.

BONUS #4 - How to Supercharge Weight Loss on a Plant-Based Diet ($197 value)

In this special training, youā€™ll discover the top 10 ways to supercharge your weight loss on a plant-based dietā€”WITHOUT starving, deprivation, or tiny portions.

These strategies are simple and overlooked factors that play a crucial role in keeping your weight loss journey on track and preventing plateaus.

Youā€™ll also discover simple mistakes that can SLOW down your metabolism and hinder your progress.

And recent studies show that doing these things can make a dramatic difference.

You can get this bonus training FREE today when you join Plant-Powered Life

BONUS #5 - Motivational Mondays: A Weekly Guide to Living Your Best Life & Achieving Your Dreams (Priceless)

Motivation is hard when you just started eating a plant-based dietā€¦

Especially if you're the only one in your family living this lifestyle.

You might find yourself tempted to revert to your old eating habits.

But don't worryā€”I've got you covered.

Motivational Mondays is an inspirational weekly guide featuring my 30 favorite quotes, designed to help you shift your perspective, improve your mindset, and stay motivated when challenges arise.

This guide also comes with a workbook for journaling and reflecting on your "aha" moments.

These quotes have inspired my 1-on-1 clients, and itā€™s there to support you to overcome obstacles and stay encouraged on your journey.

LIMITED TIME BONUS - Ultimate Plant Powered Cooking Bundle ($597 value)

Your last FREE bonus today is my Ultimate Plant Powered Cooking Bundle.

Inside this cooking bundle, youā€™ll find 15 additional delicious plant-based cooking demos that support healthy blood sugar, cholesterol, and weight loss.

This cooking bundle includes cooking demos and recipes that you can follow to whip up delicious meals every time.

Even if youā€™re not a whiz in the kitchen.

Youā€™ll be able to whip up delicious meals like:

  • Vegan Fettuccine Alfredo
  • Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal Cookies
  • One Pot Vegan American Goulash
  • Crispy Air Fryer Tofu
  • 5 Minute Chocolate Hummus
  • Roasted Veggie Fajitas
  • Pineapple Dole Whip
  • Chocolate Ice Cream
  • Easy Pumpkin Pie
  • Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes
  • Broccoli Cheese Casserole
  • And more!

Normally, this bonus is worth $597ā€¦

But today, youā€™ll get it for FREE when you join Plant Powered Life.

PAY IN FULL BONUS - Free Digital Copy of my book Plant Powered ($27 value)

If you choose the pay-in-full option, you will also get a free digital copy of my Amazon Best-Selling Book, Plant Powered.

This book is the perfect companion to help reinforce many of the concepts in Plant Powered Life.

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Your Purchase Is Backed By Our Risk-Free 14-Day Plant Power Money-Back Guarantee.


Whatā€™s The Value Of Being Healthy Again?

To me, I believe itā€™s pricelessā€¦ ESPECIALLY as you get older.

But letā€™s put it into perspectiveā€¦

If you have erratic blood sugar and abnormal A1c levels, you may be paying up to $5,500 per month for insulin medicineā€¦

Thatā€™s not including emergency doctor visits that can come up anytime if your blood sugar suddenly rises through the roof.

Yet, you might still be at risk of amputation, blindness, kidney disease, and stroke.

If you have high blood pressure, hypertension, or high cholesterol levelsā€¦

Your doctor will prescribe a cocktail of side effect-filled meds that cost over $7,000 a yearā€¦

And you might have to take them for the rest of your life.

These meds donā€™t guarantee that you wonā€™t be spending $123,000 on a heart bypass surgery along the line.

And if youā€™re looking to increase your chances of preventing cancer, Alzheimer's, or dementia because of your family historyā€¦

The constant worry and the dark clouds hovering over your head will drain your peace of mind and affect your quality of life.

Because when you remember a family member with cancer, Alzheimerā€™s, or dementiaā€¦

You might feel that could be you in a few months or years from now.

Think about itā€¦

How much is it worth for a disease-free life?

Imagine waking up each day with boundless energy and vitality, free from the constraints of chronic illness.

Your mornings are no longer filled with medication routines or doctorā€™s appointmentsā€¦

You can go on your dream vacation without the worry of health complications.

Whether youā€™re hiking in the mountains, exploring new cities, or resting on a sunny beach.

You can now spend quality time with your kids and grandkidsā€”sharing laughter and creating lasting memories.

No more sitting on the sidelines, worried about the next medical test or waiting for lab results.

No more missing birthday parties or holiday celebrations because of a doctorā€™s appointment you waited two months for.

That being said, today, you wonā€™t be paying thousands of dollars for the Plant Powered Life and all 6 bonusesā€¦

Normally, the value of Plant Powered Life and all 6 bonuses adds up to over $3,800:

  • Plant Powered Life ($2510)
  • How To Stop Sabotaging Your Own Success ($197)
  • WFPB Compliant Brands Shopping Guide ($97)
  • End Emotional Eating With E.F.T. ($197)
  • How To Supercharge Weight Loss On A Plant-Based Diet ($197)
  • Motivational Mondays: A Weekly Guide To Living Your Best Life & Achieving Your Dreams (PRICELESS)
  • Ultimate Plant Powered Cooking Bundle ($597)

Yet today, Iā€™m offering a massive discount to it allā€¦

You Can Get Everything On This Page For A One-Time Payment of $497 or 6 monthly payments of $97

If you choose the pay-in-full option, you will also get a free digital copy of my Amazon Best-Selling Book, Plant Powered, and also save yourself over $110.

A no-brainer, wouldnā€™t you agree?

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Your Purchase Is Backed By Our Risk-Free 14-Day Plant Power Money-Back Guarantee.

Youā€™re Backed By Our Iron-Clad 100% Money-Back Guarantee

When you enroll in Plant Powered Life, youā€™ll have 14 days to go through the programā€¦

If for any reason, you feel this isnā€™t the best investment for your health...

Or you feel your health condition canā€™t get better no matter what you do...

Simply email us via the email you'll receive when you join, and weā€™ll refund your moneyā€”no questions asked!

So youā€™ve got absolutely NOTHING to loseā€”and a wealth of health is waiting for you ā€” when you join this amazing program today!

Now, here is where I need to be clear with youā€¦

Thereā€™s only a limited time to join Plant Powered Life, and this page will be taken down as soon as the time runs out!

Thatā€™s why you have to take action now because if you leave this page, you may not have access to it again, and you might NEVER get another opportunity like this againā€¦

Because when you join Plant Powered Life, youā€™re one step away from living a disease-free life.

Plus, Iā€™ve also removed any risk with our 100% iron-clad 14-day money-back guarantee.

So you have no reason to be left outā€¦

Click the button below now and join Plant Powered Life today.

One Time Payment of $497

or $97 for 6 months

YES! Iā€™m Ready to Join Plant Powered Life Today!

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Your Purchase Is Backed By Our Risk-Free 14-Day Plant Power Money-Back Guarantee.

Here's A Reminder of What You'll Get When You Join TODAY

Youā€™ll get instant access to:

  • Lifetime Access To Online Course Curriculum
  • Over 100 Easy & Delicious Recipes & 6 Week Meal Plan
  • Plant Powered "Happy Hour" monthly calls where you chat with me face-to-face, ask questions, share tips, and connect with others
  • A Supportive Private Community With Fun Challenges & Prizes
  • Monthly Live Cooking Demos to keep learning new recipes & cooking techniques month after month
  • Printable resources like cooking charts, workbooks, cheatsheets, & checklists
  • Bonus #1: How To Stop Sabotaging Your Own Success
  • Bonus #2: WFPB Compliant Brands Shopping Guide
  • Bonus #3: End Emotional Eating With E.F.T.
  • Bonus #4: How To Supercharge Weight Loss On A Plant-Based Diet
  • Bonus #5: Motivational Mondays: A Weekly Guide To Living Your Best Life & Achieving Your Dreams
  • Limited Time Bonus: Ultimate Plant-Powered Cooking Bundle
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: Plant-Powered Bookā€”if you choose the pay-in-full option, you'll also get a free digital copy of my Amazon Best-Selling Book, Plant-Powered.

TOTAL: $3,897 Value

All For Just $497 One-Time Payment

Or $97 6 Months Payments

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Your Purchase Is Backed By Our Risk-Free 14-Day Plant Power Money-Back Guarantee.

Real Results Speak For Themselves....

Lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar, & achieve your ideal weight with Plant Powered Life.

Michelle Cavanaugh

Linda Harris-Jones

Deanne Norton

Ellen Lowitz

Ree McLaughlin-Brown

Alison Ford

TOTAL: $3,897 Value

All For Just $497 One-Time Payment

Or $97 6 Months Payments

YES! Iā€™m Ready to Join Delicious Plant Powered Life Today. Click the button below!

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Your Purchase Is Backed By Our Risk-Free 14-Day Plant Power Money-Back Guarantee.

Frequently Asked Questions....

How Do I Know If Plant Powered Life is Right For Me?

If you're ready to improve your cholesterol, blood pressure, and/or A1C to prevent or reverse chronic disease with the food you eat, then this is for you!

But if you aren't willing to change your lifestyle & want to continue taking expensive medications with harmful side effects as your health continues to decline then this isn't for you.

This program is for you if you're ready to take your health in your own hands and stop wasting money on "sick care" from a health care system that doesn't address the root cause of our chronic diseases.

How Difficult Are The Cooking Recipes?

The recipes in Plant Powered Life are designed to be accessible for all skill levels, from complete beginners to experienced cooks.

The cooking demonstrations guide you through each step, ensuring that you feel confident in the kitchen. Youā€™ll find a mix of quick and easy recipes for busy days, as well as more elaborate dishes for when you have extra time to experiment.

What If I Have Questions Or Need Support During The Program?

Youā€™ll have access to a private online community where you can connect with other participants, share experiences, and get support.

Additionally, the program includes monthly live coaching sessions where you can ask questions and receive personalized advice.

Can I Get a Physical Copy?

At this time Plant Powered Life is only available as an online course with digital videos & PDF resources. You can print all the downloads and have it bound or keep it in a 3-ring binder, or you can print just the pages and recipes you need.

What Is Your Refund Policy?

I have a 14-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee, so it's risk-free to see if it's right for you!

Refund requests must be made in writing to within the 14-day period after purchase.

I'm New To Plant-Based Eating? Is This Program For Beginner's?

Absolutely! Plant Powered Life is suitable for all levels, whether youā€™re a complete beginner or someone with experience in plant-based eating.

The program is designed to guide you step-by-step, starting with the basics and gradually building your confidence and knowledge. Whether youā€™re just starting or looking to refine your plant-based lifestyle, youā€™ll find the resources and support you need to succeed.

Youā€™ll receive clear, easy-to-follow instructions and plenty of support along the way to help you transition smoothly to a plant-based diet.

Is This Program Suitable For Families?

Absolutely! The program includes family-friendly recipes and tips for getting your kids and loved ones excited about eating more plant-based meals. Youā€™ll find strategies for making the transition easier for everyone in your household.

What's The Investment?

This is a HUGE value compared to the price. You will save hundreds, if not thousands, on groceries, food waste, doctor visits, hospital stays, and even prescriptions you won't need anymore (or won't need in the future) as your health improves on a whole food plant based diet. (always speak to your doctor before stopping any medications)

How Soon After Purchasing Will I Receive Access to My Course?

Plant Powered Life login instructions will be sent to the email address you provide at checkout. It should arrive within 5-10 minutes of your purchase!

If you don't see it or have trouble logging in, reach out to us here -

Do You Have a Payment Plan?

You can pay in full for 1 payment of $497 or 6 monthly payments of $97 to work with your budget.

There are also other 3rd party payment plan options on the checkout page through Affirm, Klarna, and Afterpay, where you can pay as low as $44 a month.

The payment plan is not a subscription, and if you choose this option, you understand you will make 6 monthly payments unless you request to cancel before the 14-day money-back guarantee is up.

Don't Wait! The Doors to Plant Powered Life Will Close Soon...

TOTAL: $3,897 Value

All For Just $497 One-Time Payment

Or $97 6 Months Payments

YES! Iā€™m Ready to Join Delicious Plant Powered Life Today. Click the button below!

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Your Purchase Is Backed By Our Risk-Free 14-Day Plant Power Money-Back Guarantee.


Legumes and inflammation